Connecting Relive users

A story about a modal that made Relive a social place

Relive grows via word of mouth, yet during user research sessions, we keep hearing things that suggest that even though users already know someone on Relive when joining, they struggle to find these people.




Jan 2021

Project duration

2 weeks

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Dashboard Sidebar Close Up
Dashboard Sidebar Close Up

The problem

We kept hearing from our users that Relive feels like a lonely place. People would ask whether it's a new app, how to find their friends, etc. It was an exciting problem to poke at because it was contradictory. Relive grew to 15M users organically via word of mouth. People would create a video and tell about it to their friends or family, which led me to assume that they already know someone on Relive yet somehow struggle to connect. So next step was to understand whether it was a problem worth solving.

Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar

The method

We analysed the data and discovered that people who follow at least one person on Relive have dramatically different lives there. - They are more active and go outdoors more often. - They churn longer. - New users are onboarded faster when they have at least 1 friend. I reached out to users who have friends on Relive to understand what might be the reason to things we've seen in the data analysis. During interviews, I discovered that users keep each other accountable for being active when they have friends on Relive. It seemed like a problem worth solving, and I went to the drawing board. It seemed like a problem worth solving, and I went to the drawing board. I searched for opportunities in the existing user flow and found several options.

Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard

I considered several possible solutions. Making users search for their friends while onboarding, connecting their phone books so we can search for matches and tracking links when someone shares a video.


The link tracking option seemed the most optimal as it required zero effort from the user, unlike other versions I considered.

The idea was straightforward - once someone watched a shared video, we would store their device IP for the next 30 days. And if the person who watched the video decides to join within 30 days, they will get a friend suggestion.

The impact

It was quite a successful change we introduced. We saw an increase of +37% in users with at least 1 friend, a 12% increase in referrals, a 19% increase in activities recorded within 28 days.

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